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Archaeological Evaluation

Date 7 September 2009 - 12 September 2009

Event ID 603274

Category Recording

Type Archaeological Evaluation


NS 4000 7705 An evaluation consisting of 29 trenches totalling 2200m2, was undertaken 7–12 September

2009 prior to a proposed development on a c4.37ha greenfield site. The majority of the trenches contained no

archaeological features and only a few modern artefacts were recovered from the topsoil. However, the southern fragment of the development area crossed the site of an accommodation camp associated with a mid-20th-century anti-aircraft artillery battery and evidence of this was identified in trenches 28 and 29. A Level 1 historic building survey also recorded a series of surface features related to the accommodation camp.

Archive: RCAHMS (intended)

Funder: Aggreko

Martin Cook – AOC Archaeology Group

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