Bertha Roman Fort Geophysical Survey
Date 2008
Event ID 578738
Category Project
Type Project
NO 097 268 Resistance and magnetic surveys were conducted on the surviving parts of the fort itself, along with an area to its N. The site has never shown well from the air and little excavation has taken place, but the survey revealed a series of internal structures with unusual clarity, including barracks, rampart ovens and possible courtyard buildings as well as the defences and internal road network. In the W, two ditches were found running across the fort interior. These may suggest that the site was cut down (or extended) at some point, or that what had been thought to be the western end of the fort is actually an annexe. Outside the fort, a
considerable area of rig and furrow cultivation was visible along with a ditch running parallel to the fort’s northern defences, but c80m from them.
Archive: 55 Broadwalk, Pownall Park, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5PL
Funder: The Roman Research Trust
DJ Woolliscroft and B Hoffmann (The Roman Gask Project), 2008