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Date 12 July 2005
Event ID 576166
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Note
The location assigned to this record remains unverified. Neither Barnaugh nor Ward Rocks are noted as such on the 1996 edition of the OS 1:50,000 map. The published harbour plan notes Orion Rock rising to 0.6m depth from a rocky seabed in a general depth of between about 2 and 5m about 220m NW of the ruined pierhead to the NW of Portpatrick harbour entrance. The wreck itself is not indicated.
Information from RCAHMS (RJCM), 18 July 2003.
Hydrographic Office harbour plan of Portpatrick: inset to chart no. 2198 (1978, amended to 1987).
Portpatrick Harbour (NW95SE 9.00) is centred at NW 99878 54102. The pierhead lighthouse is presumably to be equated with the disused beacon ('Old Lighthouse') NW95SE 8.0, at NW 99890 53981.
Information from RCAHMS (RJCM), 12 July 2005.