Salvage Record
Date 1990
Event ID 572663
Category Recording
Type Salvage Record
NS 9827 8056 In 1990 Falkirk District Council rationalised its horticultural activities by constructing facilities in the walled garden in the Kinneil Estate. This area also coincides with the line of the Antonine Wall as represented on the current edition of the OS 1:10,000 mapsheet, 1984). Unfortunately, no archaeological recording took place due to the lack of notification prior to development. Workmen stated that no stonework had been removed, nor did there appear to be any trace of a ditch cut through the bedrock (the natural rock is near the surface in this area). Two possibilities could explain the course of the Wall. One possibility is that it lay directly along the line of the N wall of the garden as suggested by Macdonald (1925). The second possibility places the Wall to the S as originally delineated on the 1st edition of the OS 2 and a half inch (Stirlingshire 1860, sheet 30) and by Buchanan in 1902 (information from Falkirk Museum a67.11). However, aerial photographs (Courtesy of the Cambridge University Committee for Aerial Photographs) clearly show a ditch-like feature on the line given by the OS.
G B Bailey 1996
G Macdonald 1925.