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Field Visit

Date 27 January 1955

Event ID 571846

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


NS87NW 825 794 (unnoted)

Roman Temporary Camp, Milnquarter (Site).

This camp is situated on comparatively level ground 270 yds. SE. of Milnquarter farmhouse and a quarter of a mile S. of the Antonine Wall. No trace of the structure can now be seen on the surface, and its presence was only revealed when part of the outline, in the form of a crop-marking, was observed from the air and photographed by Dr. St. Joseph (1). An adjacent corner appeared on a pair of National Survey air-photographs (2), and with these aids the exact position of the camp was located on the ground by means of probing. The camp is rectangular on plan and measures 540 ft. in length from NW. to SE. by 420 ft. transversely, the internal area being about 5.2 acres. The NW., NE. and SE. gates, with tutuli, were found by probing, but the SW. gate lies under a railway embankment. This camp, a similar one at Little Kerse (NS97NW 12), and two others outside Stirlingshire have been described and their purpose discussed elsewhere (3).

RCAHMS 1963, visited 27 January 1955.

(1) Nos. MP 66, 68, 70 and MT 12 in the C.U.C.A.P.

(2) CPE/SCOT/UK 256, 5331-2.

(3) PSAS, lxxxix (1955-6), 329 ff. and fig. 2.

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Plan, ink, 1":100'
Plan, ink, 1":100'
