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Recording Your Heritage Online
Event ID 562998
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Recording Your Heritage Online
Aswanley House, (?)1692. Delightful, pink-harled, two-storey, L-plan mansion, most likely of the earlier 17th century, although datestones claim 1692. (GC - George Calder and IS - Isobel Skene not in original position.) The ogee-capped circular stair-tower on the north side, the coped chimneys and the archway to the courtyard are details of real quality. Slight alteration in 18th century, refurbished 1975-80. Mains of Aswanley, adjacent, imposing Improvement range of cartsheds, stables, chaumer, with elegant entrance tower.
Taken from "Aberdeenshire: Donside and Strathbogie - An Illustrated Architectural Guide", by Ian Shepherd, 2006. Published by the Rutland Press