Recording Your Heritage Online
Event ID 562953
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Recording Your Heritage Online
Boynsmill (Boyne's Mill) House, Glendronach, 1771. Good L-plan stone house, northern portion dated from 'W A (William Allardes /Allardyce) 1771' datestone. In 1826 James Allardes founded the adjacent distillery and thereafter the house was recast in a pleasing cottage style, dominated by gabled dormer heads and two clusters of diagonally shafted chimneys. South-east wing c.1835, altered internally 1964. Glendronach Distillery, folded into terrain, flanked by plain, low, 19th-century bonds and more recent buildings.
Taken from "Aberdeenshire: Donside and Strathbogie - An Illustrated Architectural Guide", by Ian Shepherd, 2006. Published by the Rutland Press