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Accessing Scotland's Past Project

Event ID 560810

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Accessing Scotland's Past Project


A small oval fort, which occupies the south-west tip of Laird's Hill, has survived in poor condition following landscaping activities undertaken in the late-nineteenth or early-twentieth century.

The remains of the fort sit upon a rocky plateau, and measure 100m in extent from east to west, by 60m transversely. It is located in a very defensive site: it is surrounded on three sides by steeply-sloping ground.

The fort was enclosed by two ramparts, separated by a rock-cut ditch up to 10m wide and almost 2m deep in places.

This fort is likely to be prehistoric in date, and may have been occupied during the first millennium BC. The rectangular enclosure, which stands within the fort, is probably of relatively recent date.

Text prepared by RCAHMS as part of the Accessing Scotland's Past project

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