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Earth Resistance Survey
Date April 2005 - September 2005
Event ID 560044
Category Recording
Type Earth Resistance Survey
NS 5811 7169 The purpose of a geophysical survey (magnetic and resistivity) between April and September 2005, which covered an area of nearly 11ha, was to locate structures in the immediate environs of the site with particular reference to possible civilian settlement at the time of the fort (NS57SE 12). To the S and SE of the fort, S of Balmuildy Road, numerous features were found, some of which could be associated with prehistoric occupation, notably in the area of the Summerston landfill site. What may be a stretch of the military way was detected some 200m E of the fort.
As a result of modern agricultural activity, the results S of Balmuildy Road generally lacked the clarity of those obtained within and E of the fort on the N side of the road. Here, there is much interesting detail, ranging from the interface of the fort and the wall, which may require some re-evaluation of Miller's original interpretation, to the presence of a small structure, c 100m E of the fort, which could be a fortlet.
Archive to be deposited in NMRS.
Sponsor: HS.
R E Jones 2005