Ogilface Castle Geophysical Survey
Date 2007 - 2007
Event ID 558883
Category Project
Type Project
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/event/558883
NS 9270 6901 Ogilface Castle (NS 96 NW1) stood on a small promontory formed between the Barbauchlaw Burn and a burn that enters from the N side.
At its E end the level area of the promontory is less than 20m wide. A ground resistance survey was made over four 20 x 20m squares running W from this end with a further square on the N where the promontory widens. A magnetometry survey was made over the first four of these squares. The castle appears, on the resistivity survey, as a high resistance 7m square with less clear highs to the E and W. The magnetometry survey shows a 9m square to the E of the square resistive high but did not detect that square well. It is probable that the E square is constructed of igneous stone. A possible wall, indicated by a high resistance line, runs for some 40m W along the scarp of the promontory on the S side. High resistance spots on the N scarp could also represent a wall; there is evidence of collapsed stonework into the burn. Less clear linear highs extend 50m W from the castle; some suggest walls and rectangular buildings giving the site an overall length of 80m. Resistance and magnetic printouts correlate well.
Report copies will be deposited with HS, RCAHMS and WoSAS.
Funded by: Historic Scotland, Dr John Wells, History of Armadale Association, Dr Peter Morris, Edinburgh Archaeological Field Society.