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Archaeological Evaluation
Date December 2006
Event ID 558819
Category Recording
Type Archaeological Evaluation
NS 8430 5025 A programme of archaeological works was undertaken during December 2006 at 41 Station Road, Carluke, in accordance with a condition placed on planning consent for a residential development. The site was in a residential area on the W side of Carluke and had contained a mid 20th-century single storey
dwelling, demolished by the time of the evaluation, set in an extensive garden. Maps from the mid 18th century onwards show the site occupied by buildings annotated ‘Kirkton’. The 1858 OS map shows Kirkton House as three amalgamated buildings set in substantial grounds, and the Name Book notes the presence of date stones of 1600 and 1618. These are likely to have been altered before being demolished between 1958 and
1969. The site may have been occupied in the medieval period, as a settlement is depicted at this location on Pont’s map of the late 16th century. Given these factors, the site was recognised as having archaeological potential by WoSAS.
Archaeological monitoring of test pitting and the grubbing out of the modern structure’s foundations revealed no archaeological finds or deposits. Trial trenching revealed sandstone foundations, as well as modern brick foundations. Given the potential significance of the sandstone foundations further machine excavation was undertaken to reveal them in plan. The earliest foundations related to a simple rectangular structure. Two later
extensions, dated by artefacts to the 19th century, were built to the rear, or S, of this original building. The foundations were disturbed in several places, and disturbance relating to redevelopment in the 20th century was evident across the site as a whole. The earliest artefact recovered from the site was redeposited and 17th-century in date. Surviving photographs suggest the earliest building would be unusual if constructed in
the 17th century and the possibility remains that it was a medieval structure, albeit much disturbed in the 20th century.
Archive to be deposited with RCAHMS. Report deposited with WoSAS SMR and RCAHMS.
Funder: Robertson Frame Ltd.