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Date 2007

Event ID 558266

Category Recording

Type Excavation


HY 303 129 Further investigation of the large late Neolithic complex on the Ness of Brodgar was undertaken. Excavation continued on the large oval structure partially revealed in 2005 and 2006 (Trench J). The trench was expanded in order to uncover the full extent of this structure before dealing with in situ floor deposits. The depth and complexities of later activity represented by ephemeral structures, spreads of ash and midden prevented this being realised. The massive boulder wall that appeared to enclose this structure was revealed this season as having both and inner and outer wall face with a wall core of large boulders. Overall this wall was over 4m wide and survived to over 0.5m in height. Two new trenches (M and N) were located further across the peninsula over the line of this wall as indicated in the resistivity survey. These showed that this

monumental wall did originally extend across the peninsula. As in Trench J later Neolithic/early Bronze Age activity sealed the remains of this wall.

A polished stone macehead was recovered during topsoil removal of the Trench J extension. Two conjoining pieces of a thin stone slab decorated with incised geometric designs were also recovered. These joined with the decorated fragments discovered in 2006 in the upper fills of a nearby triangular stone cist.

Trench P (20 x 20m) was opened over the structure (Building 1) partially uncovered by GUARD in 2003 in order to uncover the full extent of this building (as indicated by magnetometry) and to explore its relationships with other elements on the Ness of Brodgar. In its original form Building 1 is very similar to Structure 2 at Barnhouse, but exhibits a complex structural history. In its later stages it was much reduced in internal area

with the insertion of a large curving wall across its centre creating a structure reminiscent of the building at Crossiecrown. Surrounding Building 1 were the remains of several other structures of sub-circular overall form and very regular angular and symmetrical layout.

Several examples of Neolithic art were found, with incised geometric designs similar to those discovered at Skara Brae on the walls of three separate structures in Trench P.

Report deposited in the Orkney SMR and RCAHMS.

Funder: Historic Scotland, Orkney Islands Council, Orkney Archaeological Trust, Orkney College, Russell Trust, Robert Kiln Trust, Friends of Orkney Archaeological Trust.

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