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AOC 2004 trial trench
Date November 2004
Event ID 558221
Category Recording
Type Trial Trench
NS47SE 239 NS 494 728
An archaeological evaluation was undertaken in November 2004 as the line of the Antonine Wall and its associated ditch might cross the SW edge of the site. The Roman fort of Golden Hill Park and its related bathhouse lie directly to the S. A total of 64m2 was investigated by means of evaluation trenches, though test pits were necessary in most areas to reach natural alluvial deposits. Modern made ground was identified to the S of the site, while made ground of 20th-century date and redeposited natural alluvial deposits associated with the burn were revealed in the N and E. No significant archaeological features or deposits were encountered. See also NS47SE 6.
Archive to be deposited in the NMRS.
Sponsor: Stuart McElney.
M Roy 2004