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OS Map 1980-1 Survey of the Antonine Wall
Date 1980
Event ID 558040
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
NS 4720 7310 to NS 4794 7304 The published survey (OS 25 inch 1967) was revised. The Ditch-line shows no more than a level tract roughly parallel with a farm track, but further W, approaching NS 4720 7310 from the E, a slight hollow is visible together with a distinct dip at a N-S hedgeline. At this point the pecked course on later OS editions slightly differs from that of 1st edition of the OS 2 and a half inch (1862) which shows extant remains. As the vague ground evidence tends to support the 1st edition, the line has been slightly lowered and a further alignment position introduced.
Information from OS 1980