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Archaeological Evaluation

Date 15 March 2007 - 23 March 2007

Event ID 557684

Category Recording

Type Archaeological Evaluation


NO 357 246 A programme of archaeological investigative works was undertaken between 15-23 March 2007 in respect of the proposed development of land adjacent to Balmerino Abbey. The evaluation consisted of a geophysical survey and seven trenches covering approximately 5% of the development area. A common stratigraphic sequence was exhibited across all of the trenches in the development area, with a mid brown

slightly sandy silt over a slightly varying gravel subsoil, which was a raised marine deposits of Devensian age. No significant archaeological features were identified during the course of the archaeological evaluation.

Report deposited with Fife Council Archaeology Unit and archive with RCAHMS.

Funder: Gilberts on behalf of Headon Developments Ltd.

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