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1994 excavation
Date 29 August 1994 - 3 September 1994
Event ID 557284
Category Recording
Type Excavation
NS 460 731. During August 1994, GUARD carried out excavations at the site of a proposed extension to a bus-wash facility at the Gavinburn Bus Depot, Old Kilpatrick. The site was known to overlay the Roman fort. It was anticipated that the extension might impinge on the ditches and possible road line outside the SW corner of the fort. The areas excavated were to be sites of concrete foundations and associated drainage works. A total of fifteen small trenches were opened within an overall area of 16m by 7m.
Of the areas investigated, five revealed archaeological remains and none of the features recorded in any one trench appeared to relate to those in any of the other trenches. No evidence for the fort ditches was uncovered, placing the excavations between a break in the defences. Various discrete features, mostly structural in form were recorded along with two substantial rough stone spreads aligned E-W. One trench revealed the remains of a probable road surface.
It was thought that construction of the bus depot may have disturbed the underlying remains, but all archaeological deposits were well protected by a thick overburden of ploughsoil, itself highly compacted by vehicles.
Sponsor: Kelvin Central Buses.
K Speller 1994c.