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Metal Detector Survey
Date 22 April 2007 - 8 July 2007
Event ID 557040
Category Recording
Type Metal Detector Survey
NT 3618 7150 We undertook archaeological works were undertaken on a 15ha field between 22 April 2007 and 8 July 2007. The works were commissioned as part of a phased investigation of the archaeological potential of the site. Of principal note was the juxtaposition of the site to the Battle of Pinkie (10 September 1547).
An initial metal detecting survey using volunteers from the S.A.R.G metal detecting club recovered 150 metal objects including 15 lead shot of various sizes, some of which may be associated with the Battle of Pinkie. Other finds included two probable cannon shots, possible arrowheads, 18th- to 19th century coins and tokens, and a 19th-century military button.
A subsequent test pitting programme involving the excavation of 100 test pits was informed by the distribution of the artefacts recovered during the initial metal detecting survey. A further 50 metal artefacts were retrieved including buttons, coins and nails. Large amounts of Victorian and modern ceramics were noted but not recovered. No lithic artefacts or prehistoric pottery sherds were found.
The intrusive archaeological evaluation targeted areas of possible archaeological interest illustrated by the previous surveys.
The evaluation revealed a substantial number of archaeological features including a probable cremation pit, a ring-grooved roundhouse, a truncated roundhouse and several linear features, all of probable prehistoric date. In addition a figure-of-eight Roman field oven was found with possibly associated features, and a large number of isolated pit features of unknown date and function were also observed.
A further programme of metal detecting was undertaken as part of the evaluation. This produced a further 297 metal artefacts including the firing mechanism of a cap and ball pistol.
Archive to be deposited with RCAHMS.
Funder: Sirius Ltd.