554594 |
In the Howe Cleuch between Ewe Gair and Little Hill, 1.3Km N of Daerhead there is a burnt mound at 400m OD. It is located on the N bank of the Howe Cleuch burn on a terrace and is 35m W of the bridge over the burn. The mound measures 8m x 5m x 0.6m high. Some earthfast rocks are around the S side and a small pile of stones lies beside it. [...] |
1992 |
554584 |
There is evidence of a burnt mound in an area that has been severely affected by forestry ploughing. It lies on the W side of Hitteril Hill, within Watermeetings Forest. To the S is an unnamed spring course, and the site lies in an area of forest that has been clear felled and re-planted. Heat reddened burnt stones were recorded where the earth had been upturned for re-planting. The full extent of the mound isnot clear,but it does spread for several metres. No charcoal was found during limited trials to test for the deposit. [...] |
2002 |
554593 |
On the NE side of Comb Law and between Coom Burn and Rae Cleuch there is a burnt, prominent mound, 5 x 5 x 1m. It lies on the slope, immediately below a hill drain. The original spring course wason the S side of the mound, which is covered in the same short grass that surrounds it. [...] |
2002 |