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Field Visit

Date May 1988

Event ID 553231

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


This building is situated close to the edge of a broad natural terrace. It is defined by a bank up to 2m thick and 0.3m high and measures 25m from E to W by up to 8.1m transversely overall at its widest point, though it narrows to 6.2m and 6.7m respectively at either end; the E half of the building is scooped to a depth of 0.4m.

Immediately to the S there is a D-shaped enclosure measuring 6m from E to W by 3.5m transversely within a bank 1.1m thick and 0.2m high, but the purpose of two banks which spring from the W corners of the building is unclear.

To the N a roughly rectangular hollow 0.5m deep and measuring 14.5m from ESE to WNW by 4.7m transversely may be the remains of an earlier building.

Visited by RCAHMS (PC) May 1988.


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