Field Visit
Date 1977
Event ID 552363
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
There are several interesting features outside the enclosure ( ?HU33NE 23). About 12m to the west is a shallow bank of earth and stones which runs south east-north west for a distance of c.5m before merging with a mound of earth and stones c.5m in diameter and c.0.6m high. c.26m north east of these and c.10m from the enclosure wall is a crescent shaped mound with horns to the south west which measures c.5 by 4m; this appears to consist at least partly of burnt stone. On a craggy outcrop c.50m north east of the enclosure there is a circle of orthostats c.7 to 18m in diameter which may have been a small enclosure.
J W Hedges 1984