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Archaeological Evaluation
Date July 2006
Event ID 551264
Category Recording
Type Archaeological Evaluation
NO 117 035 An archaeological evaluation was carried out in July 2006 at a greenfield site by Lethangie Farm, Kinross, in advance of development for the new Kinross High School. The Terms of Reference issued by Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust required a 5% evaluation of the development area. The area was considered to be archaeologically sensitive because it included a scheduled ancient monument (SAM 7614) representing the remains of prehistoric settlement. Sixty-four 40m evaluation trenches were excavated and recorded. In addition three smaller trenches were opened in the area around Trench 26 to trace the line of several features. The evaluation produced significant archaeological evidence in the form a large enclosure ditch located to the SE of the scheduled area. A single sherd of medieval pottery was recovered from the upper backfill of this ditch, but the position of this find high in the stratigraphy renders a date based on this find alone quite suspect. The feature could easily belong to the prehistoric period which is the preferred interpretation of the scheduled cropmark site. A number of features were also identified in the NW corner of the development area. This comprised a line of postholes, a hearth and several other potentially prehistoric features.
Archive deposited with NMRS.
Sponsor: Laing O'Rourke Scotland Ltd
G Brown 2006