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Date 2000

Event ID 550611

Category Recording

Type Excavation


NT 1890 7702 An archaeological excavation was undertaken at the Cramond Ferry steps, and involved further work at the find site of the Roman statue of a lioness, discovered in 1997. Further quantities of Roman midden material were excavated from the silts associated with the Cramond lioness statue, and further information was gathered regarding the position of the River Almond's E bank during the Roman period.

Sponsor: City of Edinburgh Council.

J A Lawson and D Reed 2000.

(Location cited as NJ 190 767). Cramond fort: excavation was carried out by Mr J Lawson and Mr D Read of City of Edinburgh Archaeology Service, for City of Edinburgh Council, in advance of repairs to the foundations of ferry steps on the E bank of the River Almond, and close to the findspot of the lion sculpture. The profile of the river in Roman times was identified, and two wooden stakes were removed for radiocarbon dating. Midden material included a leather shoe, cereal grains, pottery, bone and stone fragments, the last possibly belonging to the plinth of the lioness statue. Environmental samples were taken, and sediment coring undertaken.

L J F Keppie 2001.

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