1989 RCAHMS Aerial Survey
Date 1 January 1989 - 31 December 1989
Event ID 545984
Category Project
Type Project
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/event/545984
During the winter months prospective flying was directed at areas in Borders and Dumfries and Galloway where there was potential for forestry expansion. Additional cover was also obtained in NE and SE Perth. Dry conditions in late spring prepared the way for the most rewarding cropmark season since 1984. Some 750 sites were recorded, at least one-third of which were photographed for the first time. Areas where recording was particularly successful include Borders, Dumfries and Galloway, Fife, Tayside, Grampian and parts of Highland, Central and Strathclyde. Among the wide range of cropmark sites, the following were of especial significance: early ritual and funerary sites, new Roman military works, a possible Early Historic settlement, unenclosed Iron Age settlements with 'souterrains', and, in the later period, the plans of formal gardens. Several flights were undertaken to record urban landscapes and industrial monuments, including one to the ironstone mines on the island of Raasay (Western Isles).
The joint Catalogue of aerial photographs for 1986-7 was published in July.
RCAHMS (DES 1989, 73)