Standing Building Recording
Date 26 May 2017 - 20 February 2018
Event ID 1198726
Category Recording
Type Standing Building Recording
HS 42386 63356 An Enhanced Level 2 Historic Building Recording Survey was carried out on an area proposed for development at the former Paton's Mill site, Johnstone. The survey consisted of a full photographic and written description of the buildings on the site, along with a measured survey of two elevations. Most of the buildings were in a state of collapse and access was limited. A further watching brief and evaluation was carried out over the location of the Mill owner’s house. However, no evidence of this structure was uncovered and it is likely that it was completely removed prior to or during the construction of the modern mill buildings in the early twentieth century.
Information from I. Arabaolaza, I, Spence and D. McNicol, D – GUADR Archaeology Ltd, 2018.
OASIS ID: guardarc1-300521