Watching Brief
Date 21 February 2023
Event ID 1197184
Category Recording
Type Watching Brief
NS 78971 94045 The archaeological Watching Brief took place. A 6.75 by 0.50m trench was excavated at Ladies’ Lookout and a 5.70 by 0.50m trench was excavated within the Esplanade. Excavation for the planting of new yew vegetation within Stirling Castle revealed a series of redeposited topsoil fills. The area along Ladies’ Lookout had been extensively excavated under archaeological conditions by Kirkdale Archaeology under the framework of the Stirling Castle Palace Archaeological and Historical Research project (2003-2006). Further works during this watching brief resulting in the recovery of SF01, a 17th century white clay pipe bowl. No further archaeological remains were identified. Excavation within the Esplanade revealed a series of fills and no archaeological remains were identified.
Information from S. Morris – AOC Archaeology Group, 2023.
OASIS ID: aocarcha1-513395