Geophysical Survey
Date 14 August 2001
Event ID 1196805
Category Recording
Type Geophysical Survey
HY 510 060 GSB Prospection was commissioned to carry out geophysical survey, utilising magnetometry, at four sites in the vicinity of Minehowe in August 2001 (see DES 2000, 65-66).
HY 508 059 At Round Howe strong magnetic responses coincided with the central broch mound and possible activity areas between the broch itself and its surrounding earthworks.
Report lodged with Orkney SMR and the NMRS.
Sponsors: Orkney Islands Council, Orkney Archaeological Trust, Orkney College.
Editor's note: HS were a sponsor of the work at Minehowe in 2000.
N Card and J Downes 2001