Field Visit
Date 27 June 1996
Event ID 1194004
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
NJ41SE 7 4600 1390
The Peel of Fichlie is a roughly square motte, measuring some 40m across the summit, and standing to a height of 9m on the NW and 6m on the SE. A bank around the lip of the motte on the NE side is probably a relatively late agricultural bank, although a low internal scarp around the NW and SE creates the impression that the summit is slightly dished, suggesting the possible presence of an earlier but now ploughed-down bank. There is a shallow ditch 10m broad around the base of the motte on the NE and SE sides, though this too has been much reduced by ploughing, and on the SE appearing as little more than a terrace. Natural gullies flanking the site offer additional protection, but there is no visible evidence to suggest that the gently sloping spur of ground to the E was used as a bailey.
Visited by RCAHMS (PC, IF, SS), 27 June 1996.