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Mains Replacement Trenches
Date 19 March 2015 - 16 February 2016
Event ID 1178768
Category Recording
Type Watching Brief
Front Road: ND 44620 93569 to ND 44795 93554
Occasional sherds of Post-Medieval pottery and fragments of clay tobacco pipe stems were present within this deposit.
Structure 1006 was one of a series of eight stone-built culverts seen at fairly regular intervals along the excavated trench. These were all orientated north-south and were constructed of stone capping stones across parallel sides of small stone fragments, laid to create fairly regular interior faces.
A stone-built linear structure 1010, orientated north-south, was exposed at the west edge of the junction of Front Road and the unnamed highway linking it with Back Road.
Back Road: ND 44857 93526 to ND 44759 93490
Sherds of post-medieval pottery and a mammalian metapodial were recovered from deposit 2005. A stone-built culvert 2008 was exposed at NGR ND 44647 93552 within deposit 2005. This was orientated northwest-southeast and was identical in construction to those seen on Front Road.
Pier Road/ Cromarty Square: ND 44570 93493 to ND 44542 93607
A culvert 3006 was exposed...Culverts 3007 and 3011, were exposed further to the north of 3006. On the bend of the Cromarty Square/ Pier Road junction two further culverts, 3017 and 3018, were exposed.
Information from Oasis ID: orkneyre1-243332 (S. Bell) March 2016