High Seas Fleet Salvage Sites Phase 1, Scapa Flow, Orkney
Date 4 April 2017
Event ID 1172324
Category Recording
Type Side Scan Sonar Survey
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/event/1172324
Side scan sonar survey provided an overview of the final scuttled location and salvage area of the battlecruiser Sms Derfflinger. The following anomalies were identified.
All locations given to UTM 30 N (WGS84 datum).
(SS050) X: 488481; Y 6527063. Tripod mast.
(SS051) X: 488513; Y 6527040. Mast
(SS052) X: 488436; Y 6527099. Part of Derfflinger main site.
Information from ORCA Marine, University of the Highlands and Islands Archaeology Institute and SULA Diving April 2017