Date 1976 - 1980
Event ID 1167288
Category Recording
Type Excavation
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/event/1167288
Enclosure and House (NR 548 727). Preliminary work on a roughly circular stone-walled house standing within a walled enclosure, showed that it measured 8m in diameter internally. No closely datable finds were made, but the considerable growth of peat over the E half of the enclosure suggests that the site is prehistoric.
RCAHMS (DES 1976, 83)
Enclosure and House (NR 548 727). The excavation of the house was continued (see DES 1976, 83) and revealed that it has been rebuilt on at least one occasion. No closely datable finds were discovered but the flintwork indicated that it probably belongs to the Bronze Age.
RCAHMS (DES 1977, 52)
Enclosure and house (NR 549 726) The excavation was continued (DES 1977, 52)
RCAHMS (DES 1978, 20)
Enclosure and House (NR 549 726). The excavation was continued (DES 1977, 52).
RCAHMS (DES 1979, 30)
Enclosure and House (NR 549 726). The excavation of this hut circle (c 11m in diameter overall) situated within a stone-walled enclosure (78m by 65m) was concluded (see also DES 1976-9). The house had clearly been occupied over a long period of time as the wall had been rebuilt twice and the roof replaced or three occasions. There was a central hearth and large numbers of stake-holes, including a stake-ring around the inner face of the earliest wall. The finds include small quantities of undiagnostic pottery and a number of flint and stone tools. Although no closely datable objects were recovered there was sufficient charcoal for at least four radiocarbon assays. Beneath the earliest house wall there were ard marks
RCAHMS (DES 1980, 30)