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Field Visit

Date 31 August 2022

Event ID 1161568

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


The history of the First and Second World War gun batteries on Cramond Island and the role they played as part of the defence of the River Forth are adequately detailed elsewhere (see refs). The 2022 HES survey of the island concentrated on the physical remains of the battery, in particular paying attention to features that had not previously been noted. These include buildings that are not mentioned in earlier reports and dug features such as pits, the date and purpose of which are unknown. Measured surveys of a number of the buildings were undertaken but these were limited mainly to those structures for which there were no existing contemporary plans.

The survey has attempted to consolidate the NRHE for the remains which, prior to the survey, represented an agglomeration of piecemeal reports over many years. These did not provide an adequate account of the military remains. For instance, there was a single record (NT17NE 71.7) that covered the accommodation camps for both wars despite their being sited in different locations. The Second World War accommodation camp is now covered by a new record (NT17NE 71.13). New (sub-numbered) records have been created to allow Collection items such as survey drawings and digital photographs to be linked to individual structures or, where appropriate, a theme that is relevant for the whole site.

The following paragraphs provide information on aspects of the site for which sub-number are not appropriate.

Perimeter Fences

In both the First and Second World Wars various elements of the military presence on Cramond Island were enclosed by barbed wire fences. No trace of the barbed wire now remains but at several locations on the island, particularly on the N shore, there are visible either the rusting remains of iron fenceposts or the drilled sockets into which posts were once secured. These were not mapped by the 2022 HES survey.

Pits and other excavations

Throughout the island there are numerous areas of disturbance that cannot be directly attributed to the use of the site by the military during the First World War. However, two groups of rock-cut pits, which are described elsewhere (NT17NE 110 and 369), are, on balance, more likely to relate to the military occupation of the island than the civilian. That said, their purpose remains unknown. A little to the W of the northerly group of pits is what is almost certainly a small quarry measuring at least 6m in diameter (NT 19654 78699). Lidar imagery has revealed a number of locations where quarrying has taken place, but most of these are obscured by rank vegetation and the 2022 HES survey did not seek to record all of them. Most of them probably relate to the needs of the 19th century farmsteading (NT17NE 116), i.e. the construction of buildings, field walls and tracks.

Roads and paths

By the time the military left Cramond Island after the Second World War there was a road capable of supporting heavy traffic that ran from the beach at the S end of the island (NT 1956 7829), where there is a landing stage/ramp (NT17NE 368), through the island to the gun emplacement (NT17NE 71.03). The 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Edinburghshire 1853, Sheet 1) depicts the path of this road but at that time it ran only as far as the farmstead (NT17NE 116) in the middle of the island. At this time the road is unlikely to have been little more than a rough track capable of supporting a horse-pulled cart. The 6-inch OS map (Edinburghshire Sheet 1b.SE and SW), which was surveyed in 1938 but not published until 1947, demonstrates that the northern extension of the road was not constructed before the Second World War. This begs the question of how the building materials for the First World War engine house (NT17NE 71.8) in the NW corner of the island (and the heavy machinery contained within it) reached the site, the answer probably being that they must have been delivered to the stone jetty (NT17NE 119) a short distance to the SW. The same question may be asked in relation the gun emplacement (NT17NE 71.02) and ancillary structures in the NE corner of the island.

One of the features of the road through the island is the extent to which it has been engineered, where necessary being carried on a terrace that has either cut deeply into the natural slope or supported on an embankment, or, in places, both. Immediately to the SW of the 19th century farmstead the road runs on a rock-cut terrace excavated into the NW-facing slope to a depth of over 2m. To the S of this (at NT 1961 7848) the road continues through a cutting on both sides. As it makes a wide turn close to the guardhouse in the NW corner of the island the road contours across a NW-facing slope, its lower edge supported by a revetment wall. Though it is now difficult to discern because of the encroachment of soil and vegetation, it seems that the road, as constructed as part of the Second World War infrastructure, was, at least in some places, made of concrete.

An annotated copy of an OS map dated 30 July 1915 (WO78: 4417) depicts a couple of paths running between elements of the military presence in the NE corner of the island. These, however, are no longer visible. It is also certainly the case that there would have been a comprehensive series of paths linking all the varying parts of the Second World War battery. These, too, are barely recognisable having been either deliberately removed, eroded, or obscured by soil and vegetation.

Visited by HES Archaeological Survey (J. Sherriff, A. McCaig) 31 August 2022.

NT17NE 71.01 NT 19693 78664 Engine House

NT17NE 71.02 NT 1973 7866 Gun Emplacements, Building

NT17NE 71.03 NT 19771 78730 Gun Emplacement, Graffiti

NT17NE 71.04 NT 19724 78773 Searchlight Battery, Graffiti

NT17NE 71.05 NT 19738 78760 Engine House, Building, Graffiti

NT17NE 71.06 NT 19746 78736 Building, Graffiti

NT17NE 71.07 NT 1967 7865 Military Camp

NT17NE 71.08 NT 19577 78716 Engine House

NT17NE 71.09 NT 19735 78773 Winch House

NT17NE 71.10 NT 19738 78760 Searchlight Emplacement

NT17NE 71.11 NT 19707 78678 Building

NT17NE 71.12 NT 1972 7860 Gun Emplacement

NT17NE 71.13 NT 1962 7875 Military Camp

NT17NE 71.12 NT 1972 7860 Gun Emplacement

NT17NE 71.13 NT 1962 7875 Military Camp

NT17NE 71.14 NT 19652 78610 Workers Camp

NT17NE 71.15 NT 19655 78678 Magazine

People and Organisations
