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Field Visit

Date 15 December 2006

Event ID 1159973

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


An archaeological survey was conducted on 15th December 2006 on behalf of Halcrow Group Ltd acting for Scottish Water to identify and record the nature and extent of any archaeological features likely to be affected by the burial of a water main pipeline above the village of Laggan. Running at a length of 600m, two previously known areas of archaeological interest were identified (see above NMRS and SMR) and one new area of archaeological potential 'feature 2' thought to be a corn-drying kiln. The archaeologically sensitive areas were clearly marked off and their presence discussed and made known to the client. Their presence did not fall directly into the route of the proposed pipeline, and Scottish Water were advised to avoid the marked off areas to ensure preservation of the features.

Information from OASIS ID highland4-33705 (J Wood) 2007

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