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Diver Inspection

Date 8 June 2014 - 15 June 2014

Event ID 1153108

Category Recording

Type Diver Inspection


In June 2014 a Cotswold Archaeology dive team undertook a survey of the wreck of the Kennemerland off the Out Skerries, Shetland. The work was conducted as part of the Heritage Assessment in Relation to Marine Designation: Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish Territorial Waters contract. It was undertaken to a brief supplied by Historic Scotland.

Diving operations took place between 8th and 15th June 2014. The primary objective was to locate surviving elements of the wreck, position-fix them and thus achieve an up-to-date plan of seabed remains for comparison against the previous archaeological plans. These objectives were achieved for most of the features shown on the previous plans that were not lifted during the 1970s and 1980s.

During the course of the project a total of 31hrs and 37mins bottom time was achieved on site over the course of eight working days. Fifteen individual features were located of which 12 were identified on historic site plans.

A comparison between the positions of seabed remains as recorded in 2014 and the georeferenced positions of the corresponding remains from the historic site plans has been created. The primary site datum was located and position-fixed at the start of the project to ensure a known and fixed point was used in the dereferencing of the site plans.

information from Mark James and Sally Evans, Cotswold Archaeology, December 2014

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