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Field Visit

Date July 1982

Event ID 1147527

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


Donald's Isle, Loch Doon NX 494 965 NX49NE 1

The remains of two rectangular buildings stand on the highest point of Donald's Isle, a small island in Loch Doon which, since the level of the loch was artificially raised, is normally submerged. The buildings are of drystone construction and their walls now stand to a maximum height of 0.8m; the larger building measures 14m by 3.6m internally and has an entrance in the middle of its W side, and a possible outshot at its N end; the smaller building measures 6m by 3m internally and has an entrance in its W end. Access to the island was probably gained on the NW where a passageway has been cleared through

the boulders of the beach deposit. Excavations carried out between 1933 and 1936 showed that the buildings may overlie earlier structures, and finds from the excavations included considerable quantities of medieval pottery, and of flint and chert, a coin of Edward I dated to 1260, and a segment of a glass armlet.

RCAHMS 1983, visited July 1982

(PSAS, xv, 1880-1, 156; Smith 1895, 186; Fairbairn 1937; Kilbride-Jones 1938, 374; DES, 1969, 12).

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