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Watching Brief
Date 26 August 2021 - 24 September 2021
Event ID 1144557
Category Recording
Type Watching Brief
NH 63712 70486 A desk-based assessment and watching brief were carried out, from 26 August–24 September 2021, at Contullich House, near Alness, in advance of a new garage and associated works. The work was undertaken to assess the nature and extent of any archaeological features or deposits likely to be affected within the areas outlined for development and to inform recommendations for further archaeological input or mitigation measures. With the exception of three old service trenches, the only archaeological feature recorded was a stone-filled pit, which contained degraded leather shoes and boots, a small number of abraded sherds of post-medieval ceramics and glass, and fragments of roofing slate. The shoe remains were of post-medieval date and comprised children’s and adult sizes, the latter with hobnail reinforced soles and heels. The shoes most likely belonged to workers at the farm and associated dairy.
Archive: Highland Council HER and NRHE
Funder: Private individual
Steven Birch – West Coast Archaeological Services
(Source: DES Vol 22)