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Archaeological Evaluation

Date 27 April 2021 - 29 October 2021

Event ID 1143692

Category Recording

Type Archaeological Evaluation


NX 69764 53895 Further trial excavations were undertaken in the garden of Mansewood, Tongland, on the site of the Premonstratensian abbey founded by Alan, Lord of Galloway, in 1218. The work took place between 27 April and 29 October 2021. Two phases of occupation were identified within the area. In the earlier phase, a large stone-lined or revetted feature took up much of the area. It was cut to a depth of approximately 0.5m and supplied with water from a stone-lined water channel from the

W. From the water channel entry, one side of the feature could be traced in Trench 28 and through its E extension, continuing on a slightly curving line to the SE for approximately 4m. A second shorter surviving side of approx. 0.9m splayed off to the NE but was heavily robbed. This large, apparently water-filled feature may have served as a pond, possibly a ‘fish-larder’ given its location immediately S of Building ‘A’ at the W end of the S claustral range

– a position often occupied by monastic kitchens. The feature was backfilled in the medieval period and capped with hard, probably rammed, layer of redeposited natural ‘till’ topped with a small/ medium cobble surface.

The purpose of the backfilling may been to prepare the site for the construction of Building B, the N wall and NE corner of which was found in 2020. This continued the N/S alignment of Building A. The southward continuation of the E stone wall of Building B was exposed in Trench 29 as far as a bonded junction with an E/W aligned stone foundation, which may represent the S wall of the building. This would indicate a building with external dimensions of approx. 7 x 7m. However, excavation in this part of the garden was restricted and the building possibly extended some 4m further S to a heavily robbed E/W aligned foundation in trench 30. Nevertheless, the presumed S wall of the building was traced approx. 4m W into the Trench 28 extension, where it ended abruptly.

There were two internal features within this building. The first

was an approximately 1m square base formed of small/medium stones set in grey clay located in the internal SE corner of the building in Trench 29. The second was a circular base with stone kerb, formed from a reused upside down millstone that was partially exposed in the Trench 28 extension. It was set against the truncated remnant of the building’s S wall. Both features may be identified as storage barrel stands. If so, Building B’s function may have been as a food store to the rear of the presumed kitchen. There was clear evidence of subsidence of the preparatory capping

David Devereux

(Source: DES Vol 22)

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