Date 6 July 2021 - 7 July 2021
Event ID 1143585
Category Recording
Type Standing Building Recording
A standing building survey was carried about on the South Wing of Blair Castle by Derek Hall Archaeologist and Ceramic Specialist between 6 July and 7 July 2021 as part of the conditions stipulated by Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust in advance of the development of the wing.
It is quite clear that the South Wing at Blair Castle has been subject to several alterations and additions throughout its life and that the proposed alterations should be viewed as part of the process of ensuring the continued use of an active, inhabited building.
The author feels that the photographic survey and written notes of the South Wing at Blair Castle are an adequate record of the building prior to its refurbishment. He would recommend that any newly exposed architectural elements are photographically recorded. The final decision on this however rests with Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust.
Information from: Derek Hall Archaeologist and Ceramic Specialist, 16 July 2021
OASIS ID: derekhal1-425318