Date 5 July 2019 - 17 July 2019
Event ID 1138789
Category Recording
Type Excavation
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/event/1138789
Results of season 3 excavations at Tap o'Noth hillfort, Aberdeenshire. This season targeted the much larger 16.5 hectare fort surrounding the summit and oblong fort, as well as two of the hundreds of internal platforms within the interior. These excavations revealed that the larger fort and at least some of its internal settlement dates to the 3rd-6th centuries AD and is therefore broadly contemporary with the nearby Barflat complex nearer to the town of Rhynie. This forms part of a wider project investigating the Rhynie environs and more generally the development of early medieval kingdoms in Northern Britain and Ireland (The Comparative Kingship project).
Information from OASIS ID: jamesodr1-407725 (J O'Driscol) 2019