Field Visit
Date February 1981
Event ID 1137536
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
Boyken Burn 1 NY 314 893 to NY 311 890 NY38NW 29
The settlement of Boyken extends across a SE-facing slope at the entrance to the valley of the Boyken Burn and comprises at least twenty-nine platform-buildings, including five set parallel to the contour, Around the settlement enclosed rig-and furrow cultivation covers an area of about 12ha. The lands of 'Botkane' are on record in about 1376, and in 1391 a chapel (NY38NW 17) was founded at Boyken. The settlement is depicted in Blaeu's Atlas in 1654, on an estate plan of 1718 and on Roy's Map in the middle of the 18th century, but was abandoned before 1810.
RCAHMS 1981, visited February 1981
(Blaeu 1654b; SRO, RHP 9629; Roy 1747-55, sheet 6/2; NMRS, DFD/156/1; Armstrong 1883, 99, Appendix pp. viii-ix, no. iii)