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13/11/2020, Scotland's Rock Art Project (ScRAP), Thorax 2
Event ID 1132701
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Note
Date fieldwork started: 13/11/2020
Compiled by: NOSAS
Thorax 2
Location notes: The panel is situated in rough grazing within a stone-walled field used for grazing, on an E facing slope with extensive views of the Moray Firth to the N. Thorax Farm is situated further down the hillside and is separated from the field by a small treed area. A wind farm is located on Cluvie Hill, to the W. As an addition to the Thorax Standing Stone Circle this stone is one of the smaller stones that have been placed between the six orthostats to define a circular shape. It lies to the NE side of the circle.
Panel notes: This is an angular dark grey stone measuring 0.8m x 0.7m x 0.8m. It has one cupmark, 7cm in diameter and 2cm deep on a steeply sloping surface. The cupmark faces W and the long axis faces NE. There is a light covering of lichen on the stone, but the cupmark is clean and well defined.