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Scotland's Rock Art Project (ScRAP)

Date 17 June 2021

Event ID 1128478

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Note


Date Fieldwork Started: 17/06/2021

Compiled by: Strachur

Location Notes: The panel is situated approximately 400m S of Stillaig farmhouse in area of wettish rough pasture W of improved grazing ground. It is low lying on gentle slope rising from the valley bottom, and about 100m SE of a fence line. Further to the E rises a hill that is currently topped by a commercial timber plantation. Approximately 200 m to the W is a gorse covered outcrop 150m long lying roughly NW.

Panel Notes: This is a long low-lying panel running NE to SW, measuring about 5m in total across three sections and 0.7m at its widest point, and divided at each end by narrow channels containing grass. The panel is flat and flush with the ground. The middle and longest section bears 13 plain cups, 6 of which form a line, and the most SE section bears 3 plain cups in a triangle formation. .

People and Organisations

Digital Images

Scanned image of rock art panel sketch, from Scotland's Rock Art project, Stillaig, 1, Argyll And Bute
Scanned image of rock art panel sketch, from Scotland's Rock Art project, Stillaig, 1, Argyll And ButeScanned image of rock art location sketch, from Scotland's Rock Art project, Stillaig, 1, Argyll And Bute
