Date 1946
Event ID 1127474
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Note
Ogham-inscribed Stone: The Lunnasting Stone. This important monument, now preserved in the National Museum, is described (1) as having been found "at a depth of 5 feet from the surface, in a moss, at a distance of some miles from any known ruin." It measures 3 ft. 8 ½ in. by about 13 in. by 1 ½ in., and bears on its flat surface a complete inscription in oghams, some of which are unusual. Rhys read the inscription:
XTT O/U CUHETTS AHEHHTTMNNN HCCVVEVVUNEHHTONN, and suggested as the translation "King Nechtan of the kin of Ahehhtmnnn." (2). But this cannot be regarded as certain.
(1) Goudie, The Celtic and Scandinavian Antiquities of Shetland, p. 35.
(2) P.S.A.S., xxxii (1897-8), pp. 373-4.