Field Visit
Date 19 February 2020
Event ID 1125556
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
This building, which was situated at the edge of a very steep NW-facing slope immediately N of a rush-grown landing at the foot of the staircase (NH86NW 11.37), formed part of the infrastructure of the battery introduced by the Admiralty during the First World War. On the date of visit only three of the concrete piles that originally supported a timber superstructure were located. on the NW side of the building, each measuring 0.6m square. These indicate that it measured about 5.5m from NE to SW.
The building is identified as a ‘latrine’ on a plan of the battery in the Fort Record Book held in the National Archives at Kew (WO78/5192 18/19). This also shows that the building was rectangular on plan and measured about 3.5m in breadth.
Visited by HES, Survey and Recording (ATW, AKK), 19 February 2020.