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Field Visit
Date November 1976
Event ID 1123608
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
NT 011 415. Fort, West Whitecastle: Situated on the rounded summit of a low hill approximately 500m SW of West Whitecastle farmhouse and at a height of about 290m OD, this fort commands a wide prospect in every direction. The site has been much disturbed by cultivation and by the former presence of a plantation, with the result that the remains are now in a wasted condition. The defences consist of two ramparts which enclose an approximately circular area measuring about 55m in diameter. Although the circuit is almost complete, the inner rampart is now represented at best by a grass-grown bank 6m in thickness and 0.3m in height. Only two short stretches of the outer rampart survive, appearing in each case as a bank about 4.3m thick and not more than 0.2m high. Cultivation has removed all other traces of the outer rampart and has even encroached upon the NE sector of the inner rampart. The latter sector has been further obscured by a plantation bank and an associated small turf enclosure. What seems to have been the only entrance is situated in the WSW arc of the inner rampart. The interior of the fort, which is crossed by a post-and-wire fence, shows no signs of structures.
RCAHMS 1978, visited November 1976