Scotland's Rock Art Project (ScRAP)
Date 7 August 2018
Event ID 1120240
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Note
Date Fieldwork Started: 07/08/2018
Compiled by: NOSAS
Location Notes: The panel is situated in rough grazing within an abandoned settlement site comprising one house and several enclosures, 50 m NW of a forestry plantation. It is on the S facing slope overlooking Strath Sgitheach, with the river and the open landscape to the S. The ground immediately around the panel is reasonably level, rising to the N.
Panel Notes: The panel is a roughly wedge-shaped area of rock outcrop that was completely covered in grass/heather when located. It is flush with the ground on its NW edge, and rises about 0.2m above the sloping ground on it SE edge. The upper surface is flat and bears 8 cupmarks of up to 70mm in diameter, in no apparent pattern.