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Scotland's Rock Art Project (ScRAP)
Date 1 August 2018
Event ID 1119838
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Note
Date Fieldwork Started: 01/08/2018
Compiled by: ScRAP
Location Notes: Carnassarie Farm 3 and Carnasserie Farm 7 are located on an outcrop situated on an undulating hillside, used for sheep grazing, with a SE facing orientation. The outcrop has clear views of all the surrounding areas. To the S of the outcrop there is a valley containing an unnamed burn running NW-SE from Ormaig Forest towards Carnasserie Castle (Canmore ID: 22835). A field wall, a man-made path and electricity pylons follow the same line as the burn. A set of two standing stones (Canmore ID: 22838) and a Bronze Age cairn (Canmore ID: 22837) can be seen approximately 500 m to the S of the outcrop. Approximately 250 m to the NE of the panels a cist (Canmore ID: 354383) sits atop a hill.
The panels can be accessed via a roughly trodden grass footpath accessed from Carnassarie Castle which has vehicle access. The two panels are located about 1.7m apart with Carnasserie Farm 3 located to the S of Carnasserie Farm 7 and are part of a larger outcrop jutting out of the SE face of the same hillside. Approximately 100m SW of the two panels there is another panel, Carnasserie Farm 5, which can be found just beyond a lightly trodden man-made grass path intersection which leads in all directions just below the panels and beyond that (on the other side of the burn and path) there is substantial forestation which is a mixture of felled and newly planted trees.
Panel Notes: Carnasserie Farm 7 is a SE facing outcrop which is roughly triangular in shape. The outcrop is surrounded by substantial amounts of turf and long grass. Additionally the majority of the outcrop is covered by turf, obstructing the S facing section of the outcrop from view. The outcrop is smooth in surface and features 21 cup marks, with an additional 2 possible cups. The cupmarks cover all the rock surface and range from 2-4 cm in diameter and also range in depth, with some being clearly visible from a distance and others are shallower from weathering or age. One of the possible cupmarks is juxtaposed with three cupmarks which appear in a line together. This cupmark is shallower and less defined in comparison to these three cupmarks so it is unclear whether this is due to weathering or it is merely a natural feature. The other possible cupmark is to the S of the panel and is the deepest and largest of the cups, but may be a natural feature which has been deliberately enhanced. There is also a single cup and ring mark on the panel, which is larger than the cupmarks. The cup and ring mark is partially obscured and difficult to locate due to the amount of lichen on that particular section of the panel. The panel surface also features several deep fissures and grooves with moss growing in them.