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Scotland's Rock Art Project (ScRAP)
Date 8 July 2020
Event ID 1119813
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Note
Date Fieldwork Started: 08/07/2020
Compiled by: Killin
Location Notes: The panel is situated within enclosed rough grazing at 233m asl, on a broad and locally undulating terrace between approximately 200-250m asl on the S side of Ben Lawers. Generally the terrace slopes slightly to the S and SE before the ground drops more steeply down to Loch Tay. The panel lies on the SE facing slope of a low moraine mound, to the W of which is a small S-flowing watercourse. To E the ground rises slightly, restricting the view. The view to the N is up to Meall Odhar, a small summit on the S side of the Ben Lawers range, and the view of the range continues to the NW; the view to the W is also obscured by rising ground. Loch Tay is visible to the S. The panel lies on the N edge of a former trackway, which runs SW-NE, the NW side of which appears to cut into the SE side of the moraine mound. The NW side of the track is also marked by a low bank defining an irregular enclosure extending to the N. Although there is nothing to indicate that the panel has been moved (its decorated surface is uppermost), its situation just beyond the edge of the trackway raises the possibility that is could have been moved to this position from the line of the track if it had been an obstruction to traffic.The SE side of the track, 4m from the panel, is defined by a stone wall.
There is a broad distribution of rock art in the surrounding landscape, including a cup and ring marked rock (Craganester 20, ScRAP 1140, Canmore 291763) 130m to the WSW. Other features include the old trackway, a series of embanked enclosures flanking it, and a disused quarry on its N side, 120m to the SW. This part of the landscape was included in a walkover assessment of a survey transect at Balnasuim Farm (Canmore 141725), extending from Loch Tay to the head dyke, as part of the Ben Lawers Historic Landscape Project. The panel is part of Scheduled Monument SM6168, "Cragganester, farmsteads, field systems, shielings and roadways, N of".
Panel Notes: The panel is an irregular erratic schist boulder with rounded edges measuring 1.5m (SE-NW) x 1.1m. Its upper (and decorated) surface slopes to the SE at 20 degrees, and it has slightly overhanging sides to the E and S. It is up to 0.5m high along the S side, but the northern side has been encroached on by vegetation. There is a small separate stone at its NE corner. The panel has a hard, coarse texture, with a rough uneven surface. There are 2 cupmarks, 0.4 m apart, one central near the N edge, the other to the WSW; both are 70mm in diameter and 10mm deep.