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Scotland's Rock Art Project (ScRAP)

Date 2 June 2019

Event ID 1118869

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Note


Date Fieldwork Started: 02/06/2019

Compiled by: ScRAP

Location Notes: This panel is located c. 200m to the NE and within sight of the steading beside the northern of the two chambered cairns at Cairnholy. Beyond, there are views to the S to the sea. To the W there is a stone wall which runs approximately NW-SE; there is a gate in this wall c. 100m distance to the NW of the panel. To the N there is another gate in a second stone wall which runs E-W. The panel is located on the W edge of the middle pile of a line of five clearance cairns, below and to the E of the stone wall. The GPS location taken at time of survey (NX52334 54232) was recorded at 2m accuracy.

This panel was recorded by Van Hoek in 1995 as Cairnholy 3 which he reported as missing.

Panel Notes: A cube shaped boulder 0.6m by 0.5m in size and up to 0.5 in height. The panel has been carved with one cup with six faint rings, the largest of which is 30cm diameter. From the centre, the rings are 25, 25, 25, 30, 25 and 25mm apart. The central cup is 30mm in diameter.

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