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Scotland's Rock Art Project (ScRAP)

Date 29 April 2019

Event ID 1118838

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Note


Date Fieldwork Started: 29/04/2019

Compiled by: ScRAP Team

Location Notes: Drumtroddan 5 is part of a group of cup-and-ring marked rocks (Drumtroddan 5 - 7) located within an enclosure in a wooded area approximately 250m S of Drumtroddan Farm. Further rock art panels are located within two fenced-off enclosures approximately 70m to the E (Drumtroddan 1-4 and Drumtroddan 8-13). Drumtroddan 5 - 7 are part of the same Canmore ID (62767) and HER record (MDG2439). Together with the panels within the fenced-off enclosures they are part of the same scheduled monument designation (SM90101), and are properties in care. Drumtroddan standing stones (Canmore ID: 62762) are approximately 400m to the S.

Drumtroddan 5 is the largest panel in the enclosure. Drumtroddan 6 is located about 1m to the S and Drumtroddan 7 is located about 5m to the W of Drumtroddan 5. The enclosure within the wooded area is separated from the field by a drystone field dyke with a stone stile set into it. The enclosure measures approximately 10x12m.

The panels all lie at the highest point of the field, and there are views in particular to the N towards Drumtroddan farm, and beyond to the N and NE towards the Galloway hills. Views in other directions are partially obscured by trees.

Panel Notes: Drumtroddan 5 is a large, triangular-shaped panel, sloping gently to the N and measuring 3.3 x 2.5m. It rises to 0.6m at its highest and lies flush with the turf surrounding it. The panel is marked by fissures, and bedding planes are numerous and visible across its surface. The panel is part of a greywacke outcrop, and is slightly pink in colour.

The panel has a number of motifs across its surface, some of which are hard to discern because of the weathering of the stone. The surface may also extend further under the turf surrounding it.

The largest motif visible is on the N (lower) part of the panel and is a cup-and-six-rings. The outside rings of this motif are more irregular in shape than the inner ones, and extend as far as the panel edge and, on the S side, are partially truncated by a natural fissure running across the rock E-W. Also within this N (lower) area are a cup-and-ring (partially truncated by erosion) and two single cupmarks, all to the E of the larger motif.

In the S (upper) part of the panel, lying above the natural fissure running across the rock, the area is divided in two by a further natural fissure, with a large, main area, and a smaller section of the far SW part of the panel. In the main part, at the E edge, is a cup-and-three ring motif, with the two outer rings partially interrupted by eroded areas and containing two possible small individual cupmarks within the ring area. The cupmark is extneded by a small groove running to the W. To the W of this motif there is single cupmark with a groove (possible partial ring) beside it, and a further single cupmark and, separately, a short groove which may also have been part of a ring, possibly oriented around a natural hollow. Slightly further to the W, is a natural hollow with two partial rings surrounding it. At the W side of this part of the panel there is a cup with two irregularly shaped rings, partially truncated by the edge of the panel and a cup-and-two rings with the outer ring truncated. There are also at least seven, and possible eight, single cupmarks scattered across this area.

In the far SW corner there is a large single cupmark with a broad channel running to the SW and two rings. Beside this are found two cup-and-single-ring motifs. one with a small groove, and two single cupmarks.

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