Scotland's Rock Art Project (ScRAP)
Date 8 November 2018
Event ID 1118320
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Note
Date Fieldwork Started: 08/11/2018
Compiled by: NOSAS
Location Notes: The stone is built into the inside of the garden wall on the NE side of the gate, with its carved surface facing towards the house. The garden lies between the house and a small road.
Panel Notes: The panel is a trimmed rectangular shape, measuring 0.57 x 0.42m, and is currently placed vertically in the garden wall, surrounded by dressed stone blocks. The motifs are close together, covering the surface. They comprise 9 large cups, one of which was truncated when the stone was shaped to fit in the setting, 4 large cups with single rings visible in the photogrammetry model, and a short groove (probably natural) along the upper edge of the panel.